
Abräumen / Clearup

WC wird per Kran abgeräumt! Toilet will be lifted away by Crane!

It keeps him very Happy, good on you Chrigel!

René, Michaela, Claudia, Lisa, Maya, Julia, Hund Sam, Astrid, schauen gespannt / look very interrested !

Daniel Dettmer, alias Dedy !

Stefan Dossenbach, it's time for a VB-Break.....hicks!

Fritz & Steff, allways time for fun !

Where You wanna drive to ?

Lets get that XLV down now !

Michaela & Roby, and the Rest of our Crew are very interrested, in that Bike hanging on the Crane !

Chrigel got everything under Control !

Dedy can hardly wait, till he's able to drive away with it !

Me:Rolf, Chrigel, Christoph, on Sunday Evening afther the Meeting !

Our latest guest Kevin from Florida (USA), came in the late evening as the whole Meeting was over on he's African Twin for a Beer, or 2 ! ;o)
